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Ashyralyeva A.




this article discusses the features of the development of information technologies and their impact on the teaching of computational disciplines. A cross and comparative analysis of the influence of the choice of the direction of development of education in the exact disciplines was carried out. Recommendations are given on the implementation of developments in the development of education   

Ключевые слова:
analysis, method, research, systems, learning   

УДК 37.03

Ashyralyeva A.

Instructor of Exact and Natural Sciences Department

International University for the Humanities and Development

(Ashgabat, Turkmenistan)





Abstract: this article discusses the features of the development of information technologies and their impact on the teaching of computational disciplines. A cross and comparative analysis of the influence of the choice of the direction of development of education in the exact disciplines was carried out. Recommendations are given on the implementation of developments in the development of education.


Keywords: analysis, method, research, systems, learning.


The new strategic goals of modern educational systems are to prepare not just a specialist-performer, but a creatively developed personality capable of constant self-improvement, to solve non-standard tasks in the constantly changing conditions of professional activity. Modernization also affects the level of higher education, placing increased demands on the quality of training of graduates. From a modern higher educational institution, it is required to introduce new approaches to learning, which, along with its fundamental nature and compliance with State educational standards, ensure the development of professional, creative, informational, communicative competencies of a graduate, the ability to self-educate. It is expected that it is informatization and computerization of the educational process that will contribute to the solution of these problems.

Modern society is characterized by the penetration of information and communication technologies into all spheres of human activity. But if the process of computerization is limited to equipping more and more powerful computers, connecting them to a network, connecting to the Internet and learning the simplest ways to use this equipment, it does not give the desired results, does not live up to the expectations of a radical modernization of traditional activities. The future belongs to system solutions that imply expedient, complex, highly efficient use of computers, information and communication technologies. Computerization is successful where it acts as an automation of mental labor, changing the ratio of routine and creative processes in it. It is this kind of computerization that has a truly humanistic character.

All this is fully true in relation to the computerization of learning processes: teaching and learning. So the new role of computers in the didactic process as a repository of well-structured information, the relative ease of access to it, shifts the target settings of learning from memorizing a large amount of tactical material to the ability to search for information necessary to solve educational and applied problems, and most importantly, the ability to determine what kind of information is needed to solve them, that is, the task is to distribute knowledge between a computer and a person, to form the qualities of an expert in a trainee. Based on this, the use of a computer, information and communication technologies, in our opinion, should be built in direct proportion to the new strategic goals of modern educational systems - the preparation of not only a specialist performer, but also a creatively developed personality capable of constant self-improvement, to solve non-standard tasks in a constantly changing professional environment.

The search for ways to intensify, improve the quality of the educational process, new means and methods of teaching is an invariable attribute of pedagogical theory and practice. The improvement of the educational process today is associated with an orientation towards modern educational paradigms, with the possibility of active use of information technology, computer support for the learning process, and open education methods. As pedagogical practice shows, any innovation in the learning process leads to significant changes in the planning and organization of the educational process. What is needed is not a separate method or means of teaching, but a holistic pedagogical technology - a set of methods, means and forms of organizing training that ensure the achievement of the set didactic goals. In the new conditions, new approaches to the organization of the educational process, the development of conceptual foundations for updating methodological systems are needed.

The practice of improving higher education shows that today it is becoming increasingly difficult to respond to emerging problems in teaching and upbringing using traditional means. In the context of the growth of information flows, they can be solved, as a rule, by actively using new information and communication technologies. An analysis of university practice shows that by now certain experience has been accumulated in the use of ICT tools, and at the same time, the potential of ICT is realized in the educational process is relatively limited.

The development and implementation of a methodological system for teaching the discipline "Numerical Methods" by means of information and communication technologies in the preparation of future teachers of computer science is relevant, meets modern trends in the development of the information society and higher education and allows resolving the existing contradiction between the new learning conditions and the implementation of the learning process within the framework of traditional methodological methods. systems; between the level of development of modern information and communication technologies and the effectiveness of their use in the learning process; between the motivation of students who are familiar with the capabilities of computers and modern telecommunications, and the traditional content, methods and forms of education that are offered to them.

Realization of the whole variety of potential possibilities of using the means of modern information and communication technologies in the educational process is possible only in the case of designing and implementing a didactically sound holistic methodological system, taking into account the influence of these tools on all its components, the features of this subject area and the specifics of the future professional activity of students.

The technology of teaching discipline should be built as an integral developing system. It should be aimed at the complex design and implementation of updated content, fundamentally generalized on the basis of modern scientific methodology and achievements in the field of computational mathematics; innovative methods, forms and means of teaching that are adequate to the goals of modern education, the content of future professional activity, the requirements for professionally important qualities of a specialist, contributing to the achievement of a sufficiently high level of mastering the content of the discipline and mastering new means of carrying out educational activities.




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Номер журнала Вестник науки №3 (60) том 2


Ссылка для цитирования:

Ashyralyeva A. THE METHODS OF TEACHING CALCULUS DISCIPLINE IN HIGHER EDUCATION // Вестник науки №3 (60) том 2. С. 113 - 116. 2023 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/7505 (дата обращения: 05.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/7505

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